Ambassador KV Rajan
Hon President of IEP Italy
Author and Editor of the internationally best-selling and acclaimed book: The Ambassador’s Club.
International Cooperation in Higher Education Aiming at New Horizons for a Better Sustainable World
We live in a world driven by increasing uncertainty. There are unprecedented challenges as well as opportunities before us. Clearly, global cooperation in education, adoption of best practices across borders and innovative approaches will be an urgent necessity so that students of today are skilled and empowered in every academic professional discipline in order that they may become lifelong learners and contribute meaningfully to a better world of tomorrow even as they achieve successful employable careers for themselves.
In this context, the partnership of the esteemed CIRPS with its consortium of Italian high-ranking Universities supported by IEP Italy, is a timely initiative which holds great promise for the future.
As a former diplomat who has dealt with a myriad of countries and international organisations for many years in different capacities, I have strongly come to believe that this partnership can jointly make a significant contribution to improving the quality of education by harnessing the talent, experience, and empathetic vision that they share for inclusive development, sustainable development, prosperity, and peace in the world.
Through the accord between IEP Italy and CIRPS, international students will have the unique opportunity of combining study in Italy with regeneration of hamlets and towns and with the flavours of cities of history, science, creativity, art, and culture. All courses aim to assist in the process of glocal contribution to take maximum advantage of humankind’s huge strides in science and technology, agriculture, energy, circular and digital economy, farm to fork supply chains, and practical options towards climate sustainability.
I hope that full advantage will be taken by students internationally, including the Global South, of this unique opportunity which combines the need to address global challenges with skill development, present and future competencies, and employability to the maximum possible extent.
IEP Italy
IEP Italy is the international educational partners of CIRPS
CIRPS (Inter-university Research Centre for Sustainable Development) is an Inter-university Research Centre that brings together the top experts in sustainable development and Sustainability Science. CIRPS is constituted of 100 distinguished permanent members, including full Professors, outstanding researchers in the global field and professional experts, representing eleven high-ranking top-level Italian Universities and a number of national and international partner institutions.
IEP Italy is welcoming, accepting and passionate about being the best organisation that can offer an international higher education tailor-made to the professional and academic world of tomorrow. All courses and programmes are delivered in English.
Join us to make your university experience in Italy unforgettable in a sustainable environment.

IEP Italy's All-Inclusive Higher Education Package
IEP Italy offers international students a new and creative experience of life in Italy to connect education, training, nature, and culture.
- Education and training include all tuition and registration fees
- Affordable Housing solutions for students (The first three months of accommodation are included in the package)
- Guided excursions throughout Italy - Borghi Piu Belli D’Italia (Art, History, Language, Culinary Arts, Sustainable Leisure Activities, UN SDGS)
- Student welfare support
- Visa advice and guidance with dedicated legal assistance
- Free Italian language courses
- Internship for all graduate courses including a hands-on project
- Presentation to regional, national, EU and international companies and institutions
- International exchanges
- Future career guidance and support
- Progression and dedicated routing to further studies (undergraduate, graduate, professional masters’, doctoral programmes in Italy, EU and global institutions)
- Multi University Faculty
- Support for medical/health/banking and transport services

Courses Offered
Experience the best of Italy
IEP Italy offers international students a new and creative experience of life in Italy to connect education, training, nature and culture.

IEP Italy enjoys a strategic partnership with CIRPS (Inter-University Research Centre for Sustainable Development) and Borghi Piu Belli D’Italia (Association of 'The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy).
CIRPS (Inter-University Research Centre for Sustainable Development), which is an inter-university research centre that brings together experts in sustainable development and sustainability science. More than 100 lecturers, researchers and technicians participate in the Centre’s activities as Ordinary Members, as they belong to one of the 11 Italian universities that signed the Centre’s Founding Convention.

E CAMPUS University

University of Pisa

University of Siena

University of Molise

Guglielmo Marconi Telematic University

University LUM

University of Palermo

University of Teramo

University of Rome

University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli

University of L'Aquila

University of Tuscia

Viterbo University of Salento

University of Bolzano

University of Cassino

University of Catania

University of Florence

University of Macerata

University of Naples 'Federico II

University of Perugia

University of Salerno

University of Sassari

University of Turin